
Sweeto Burrito Ingredients Calculator

Working with my friend, Jordan Sampilo, we made a web program that would allow the managers at Sweeto Burrito to figure out how much of every ingredient was used for a single day. This gives the managers an idea of how much of each ingredient needs to be purchased for a week, along with how much needs to be made every day.

The program works by using simple calculations in Javascript. There is a little bit of jQuery to get the values in the table from the HTML and to create the table of ingredients afterwards.

All the user needs to do is input how many burritos, bowlers, salads, and kids meals were sold. After that, they just need to click on the button to calculate how many of each ingredient was used. It is as simple as that.


Web Application Course Work

This is all of my course work for my Web Application course at Eastern Washington University. It demonstrates my progress on web development throughout the quarter. Each table entry has a name that gives a brief explanation of what it does.

Towards the bottom of the table, you will see many assignments with the name movie table. These assignments are built from the previous ones. For example, the first movie table is fully made using php. The next one takes the last part, and changes all front end activities to be written in Javascript and jQuery instead of php. At the end of the Movie Table block, you have the finished product. This one talks to The Movie Database API and gets information from them.

The final assignment is not in there yet. It will be a RESTful API. It will be a Subway sandwich builder. It will show the nutritional facts of your sandwich, as well as the number of weight watchers points it gives. If you want to use it, it will be up no later than December 7th, 2016!


This Website

Yes that is correct. This website was entirely made and will be maintained by me using the WordPress CMS system. The theme for this website is Coral Dark made by Coral Themes. You can find it here.